Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Jetking Technologies Pvt Ltd. We are pleased to provide IT consulting services to you. By engaging with our services, you agree to the following terms of service:

1. Services: We will provide you with IT consulting services as agreed upon in writing, which may include but are not limited to hardware and software procurement, network design and implementation, cybersecurity assessment, and data management. Any additional services requested by you will require a separate agreement in writing.

2. Payment: You agree to pay us for the services provided, as agreed upon in writing. Payment terms will be specified in the agreement and must be adhered to. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate services if payment is not received.

3. Confidentiality: We respect your privacy and will keep all confidential information confidential. We will not disclose any confidential information without your prior written consent. We will take all reasonable steps to protect your confidential information from unauthorized disclosure or use.

4. Ownership: All materials, including but not limited to reports, designs, software, and data, produced by us in connection with the services provided will be owned by us, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.

5. Warranties: We will perform the services using reasonable skill and care, and will use reasonable efforts to ensure that the services are free from errors or defects. We do not warrant that the services will be error-free or uninterrupted.

6. Liability: Our liability for any direct damages arising from our services will be limited to the fees paid by you to us for the services giving rise to the liability. We will not be liable for any indirect, special, consequential, or incidental damages.

7. Termination: Either party may terminate the agreement for any reason upon 30 days’ written notice. Termination will not relieve either party of its obligations under the agreement that have accrued prior to termination.

8. Governing Law: These terms of service will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction where the services are provided.

9. Entire Agreement: These terms of service, together with any written agreements, constitute the entire agreement between you and us regarding the services provided, and supersedes all prior agreements or understandings, whether written or oral.

By engaging with our services, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these terms of service, and agree to be bound by them.